Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shwe Inn Bin Monastery

Shweinbin Monastery is located at the southwest corner of Mandalay City. This attractive monastery built in traditional Burmese fashion is one of the few buildings that have survived the test of time. Constructed in 1895 by Chinese merchants, the monastery consists of many impressive woodcarvings and also contains a number of admirable works of art.
Shweinbin Monastery in situated on the 89th Street, between 38th and 39th Street, in Mahar Aung Myay Township. It was donated by a Chinese merchant U Set Shwin.

Kyauk Taw Gyi Pagoda

The Kyauk Taw Gyi ‘great stone’ image at the foot of Mandalay Hill also earned merit for King Mindon. The image was carved from a single block of alabaster. To consecrate the image he painted in the eyes.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Zegyo Market

Main market in Mandalay and you can get almost anythings from there such as silk longyi, cottton clothing, Hto Moat(sticky cake), pickled tea leaves, slippers, silverware, lacquerware, jewellery, gems and so on.


Monywa is a city of Sagaing division situated on the eastern bank of the Chindwin river. It lies 136km north-west of Mandalay, 3 hours drive.

Sights Interest
 Mohnyin Than-Bod-Dhay Pagoda
  • Bo-Dhi-Ta-Htaung - One thousands Bo-Dhi tree with Buddha images, 95 metres long Reclining Buddha image, 129 metres(including pedestal) standing Buddha statue.
  • Mohnyin Than-Bod-Dhay Pagoda -Dates from 1303(Myanmar Era) although it was reconstructed in 1939. It is said to contain over 500,000 images of Buddha(to be exact 582,363)
  • Pho-Win-Taung(Pho-Win Hills) - Located on the western bank of Chindwin river.The complex contains 947 small and large richly decorated caves.The hills have probably been occupied since the dawn of human habitation in Myanmar, to the south -west lies the Pon-Daung-Pon-Nya mountain range, Where the fossil remains of Pon-Taung Men's may have lived 30 million years ago were found.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Mingun is a town in Sagaing Division, Myanmar, located 11 km up the Ayeyarwady River from Mandalay.

                                              Mingun Pahtotawgyi

Sights interest
• Mingun Pahtodawgyi - It is the ruined Mingun Paya, a Buddhist temple with the remains of a massive stupa begun by King Bodawpaya in 1790. If the constrution had been completed, it would have been the largest in the world at 150 meters. It was again damaged by 1838 earthquake.
• Mingun Bell - King Bodawpaya has a gigantic bell cast to go with his huge stupa. The Mingun Bell weighs 90 tons or 55555 viss and is today the largest uncracked ringing bell in the world. Mingun Bell is situated right next to the Mingun Pahtodawgyi. King Bodawpaya dedicated to construct a gigantic Pagoda, a gigantic bell and a gigantic lion during his reign. But he was not able to complete the pagoda.
• Mya Theindan Pagoda - It is also known as Hsinbyume Pagoda because it was donated by the Hsinbyume Princess, who was one the Queen of King Bodawpaya. It is just next to the Pahtodawgyi.
 • Min Gun Home for the Aged.

                                                       Mngun Bell

Pyin Oo Lwin

Pyin Oo Lwin was formerly known as May Myo. It is a resort town in Mandalay Division in Myanmar, located some 67 kilometers east of Mandalay, and at an altitude of 1070 meters (3510 feet). It was initially a Shan village situated between Naungcho and Mandalay on the Lashio-Mandalay road.
During the British colonial occupation, the British, in 1896, developed it as a hill station because of its cool alpine climate, especially during the hot season. The colonial government of Myanmar would move to May Myo during the hot season to escape from the high heat and humidity of Yangon. The name May Myo means May Town in Burmese, and comes from the town's first administrator, Colonel May. As a legacy of the colonial period, the town has approximately 10,000 Indian and 5,000 Nepali inhabitants, who served in the British Indian Army and settled in May Myo after the British left, and granting independence to Burma. May Myo was also an important educational centre during colonial times, with the Government English High Schools, such as St. Mary's, St. Michael's, St. Albert's, and Colgate, all based in the town. It is also home to the Myanmar Defence Services Academy (DSA).

                                              Kadawgyi National Garden

Sights Interest
• Kandawgyi National Garden - It was known as May Myo Botanical Garden. It consists of a variety of plants, trees, flowers and animals. It is a 49 acres natural forest. It opens daily from 7am to 5.30pm.
• Pwe Kauk Water Fall - It is 8km from the town, off the Lashio road. It is a pleasant picnic spot.
• Dat-Taw-Gyaing Water Fall - Located in Ani-Sa-Khan which is the half way point between Mandalay and Pyin Oo Lwin.Nearly 400feets(122metres) high and 300feets(91metres)

• Peik Chin Myaung - This is a large Buddhist shrine cave about 27km from the town. About 600 meter path leads through the cave. Inside the cave are several Buddha images donated by locals.
 • Mahar Ant Htoo Kan Thar Pagoda - The building of this Pagoda has a history of its own. The reason was that three marble Buddha Images sculpted in Mandalay were being transported to their planned destination in China. On this journey, one of the Buddha statues fell from the lorry and could not be reloaded due to its weight. After many attempts, this image was left behind and the other two were taken on their way. At this place, a Pagoda was built for the travelers to pay homage.

                                              Pwe Kauk Water Fall      

Atumashi Kyaung

This Atumashi Kyaung (unrivalled Monastery), traditional Myanmar Monastic construction-a masonry base topped by a wooden building was built in 1857 by King Mindon. It was caught fire in 1890. The reconstruction project was started by the government on 2 May, 1995 and completed in June, 1996. Although it is now only a pale shadow of its original form, the ruined building is still impressive.