Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mandalay Palace

Royal Palace is a walled city within Mandalay. It was built in 1861 by King Mindon, to fulfill a prophecy. The fire destroyed the whole magnificent palace complex during the World War ll. However, the finely built palace walls, the city gays with their crowning wooden pavilions and the surrounding moat still present an impressive scene of the Mandalay Palace. Mya-nan-san-kyaw Golden Palace, the model of the Mandalay Palace, Nanmyint-saung, Cultural Museum and Pyi-gyi-mon in the moat is located inside the Palace grounds.
It was renovated using forced labour, and locals may advise you not to visit the place. In addition, while the design of the reconstruction was fairly faithful to the original, the materials used were not (metal was use instead of the original teak wood). The palace contains several pavilions and chambers. Tourists are required to enter from the East Gate. An almost kilometre walk connects the entry gate to the palace proper. Replicas of throne rooms and chairs and Madame Tussaud style images of Kings Mindon and Thibaw with their chief consorts are on display.

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